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Authorizations control which task(s) are available for time and expense entries per user. 


Use the add authorizations section to add new task(s) to users timecard, expense entry form or both.  To add a new authorization turn on add mode toggle and choose the authorization criteria using the drop downs.  Once finished click the + Add "X" Auths icon to add the newly selected authorizations.  If trying to add an authorization but the add option does not populate, the authorization already exists and will display in the second grid. 


The authorizations feature is designed to quickly support adding authorizations from a variety of perspectives, whether its a user with multiple tasks or a task with multiple users.  Here is an example:


Authorize persons to enter time for a task that will have many people working on it and providing a variety of services.

1.Open and check add mode

2.Select the Auth Type for Time

3.Select User(s)

4.Select Task(s)

5.Review the new auth preview

6.Click +Add Auths button to create the new authorizations

7.Uncheck Add Mode 


In the main authorization grid:

1.Under the column header, filter the task(s)

2.Repeat the following as needed for each service item applicable to the task

3.Filter users that are performing a particular service (labor category)

4.Click the checkbox header box which selects all the displayed rows

5.Click the multi-update icon

6.Select service item

7.Click Apply


Add Authorization Components

Auth type-Controls whether task is available for time entry only, expense entry only or both.

Users-List of active users

Tasks-List of active tasks

Service Item-List of active service items pulled in from QuickBooks

Show SI on Timecard-If checked the Service item will display in the user's timecard for the authorization.  This is important if a user has more than one authorization to same task with 2 different Service items.

Show PI on Timecard-If checked the Payroll item will display in the user's timecard for the authorization.  This is important if a user has more than one authorization to same task with 2 different payroll items.  Ex. Overtime PI. 

Start and End Date controls when a user is authorized to use the task.  If the user no longer sees the task for time and expense entry make sure the end date has not yet expired.  Update the authorization end date to reactivate. 


Maintaining Authorizations

Check the "include past authorizations beginning with" check-box to see those that expired within the selected year.  Ex. If an authorization ended on 12/31/2021 and it needed to be updated to use in 2022 then check the include past auth checkbox and change the year to 2021.  This will show all authorizations that were active in 2021 forward.  Then update the end date to be a current date to extend the authorization.


Authorization components can be edited individually by clicking the pencil icon on the applicable row or edit more than one at a time using the "multi-update" option that is activated by checking one or more rows.  Please note "add mode" must be turned off before completing an update to an existing authorization.


A duplicate authorization is not allowed therefore, when you "copy" an existing authorization (select check-box for a row and choose copy) the start and end date are set outside the range of the original authorization.  If the copied authorization requires the same time period, then the payroll item and/or the service item must be changed to make it unique prior to updating the date range.


Delete option available for authorizations that have not yet been used for time/expense entry.


The labor category is represented by the service items imported from QuickBooks.  Service Items contain the billing information for Time and Material contracts and are used to categorize labor hours and costs for all contract types.


The Payroll items available for an employee’s authorization correspond to the payroll items assigned to them in QuickBooks.  If a payroll item is not available for an employee, go to the QuickBooks employee setup form and add the payroll item and pay rate to the employee's list.


Planned Hours vs. worked hours are for the life of the authorization.  Planned hours = expected number of hours needed to complete the task and hours worked keeps track of number of hours entered towards the authorization. 


Premium Column indicates if the authorization is designated to allow premium pay.  The Premium pay feature allows a standard rate to be independently applied to an employees pay based on the number of hours worked for a specified period of time. 


Description-Enter the work authorization URL in the Auth Description column.  When that column contains a value that begins with http/https, a double click on the task name on eFC timecard will jump to the work authorization url.









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