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Time Approval




Time Approval


Supervisors are able to approve, disapprove or undo previous approvals for their assigned direct reports by using the applicable tabs (approve, disapprove and Undo approval).


Approve Tab


The Approval Period date range controls the action of the multi-select approval/disapproval/undo approval.    It defaults to current user entry dates.  Update the date range to approve time outside of current entry dates and/or to limit approval for a smaller period of time.


Check the "include disapproved time" (defaults to No) to act on time that has been disapproved as well.  Ex. Hours for 6/23 have been disapproved, the user needs to make changes but you want to go ahead and approve all other hours in the date range, in this scenario leave the box Unchecked.  If the hours were disapproved by mistake then check the option to include disapproved time and the disapproved hours within the period will also be approved as well.


Direct Report Status Grid defaults to your personal direct reports as a supervisor.  If you are an alternate supervisor and would like to see all users, UNcheck the "show my direct reports only" filter above direct report grid to refresh users.  To view a users timecard, click the users name in the direct report grid to populate their weekly summary/timesheet and review documentation.


Weekly view headers are links that will automatically jump you to the selected week for review.  Arrow tabs are also available to move forward/backwards.


Double click single cell within users timecard to perform a single cell management action.


Lock and Unlock timecards-Uses the selected approval period to restrict users' from entering/changing time on and prior to the date range.  This can be set for all users or individual users.  Lock dates per individual can also be set in eFAACT Central-all users.


Disapprove Tab

Disapproving time changes the status of the time for full date range or single cell depending on supervisor action.  Once time is disapproved an email is sent to the user notifying them (requires email be setup in eFAACT Central-all users).  The user then has the option to change disapproved time and it is then resubmitted for supervisor action.


Undo Approval Tab

Should a user need to change previously approved time, the supervisor must first UNapprove the time.  Supervisor can UNapprove a selected date range of time for selected user(s) or undo approval on a particular time entry by double clicking the cell. 





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