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Assign Supervisors and Alternate Supervisors


Users with supervisor rights are able to approve time and expenses as well as run user centric time reports for their assigned direct reports.   Check the assigned supervisor column to assign a user supervisor rights.  Click the direct reports link to assign users to the selected supervisor.  The user will then have access to the time and expense approval feature(s) within eFAACT Central.

Checking the assigned SuperUser option allows them to enter time and expense on behalf of a direct report.  Ex. If a user is on vacation and payroll is due.

An Alternate Supervisor can be assigned for the purpose of reviewing and approving time and expense in the absence of the selected supervisor.  Ex. If Sandy Doall is on vacation and payroll is due then Sandy’s assigned alternate supervisor would be able to login and approve time for Sandy’s assigned direct reports. 

"My Alternates" link shows those users that will be able to approve time on behalf of the selected user and the "Alternate For" link shows the supervisors that the selected user is able to approve time for.

Checking the "Access to Authorizations" column will allow the selected user access to enter, edit and modify time and expense authorizations for their direct reports.  Authorizations control what task(s) the user can enter time and expenses towards.

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