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Reminders can be configured to send a reminder text and/or email on a pre-scheduled basis to users that need to enter time and/or to supervisors that need to approve time and or expenses. 


Use the +Add Reminder pop up to customize the reminder.


Reminder Type-


Missing Hours-reminder is sent if missing hours for the time period (daily, weekly, etc...)

Verify Time Signature-reminder is sent if user has not yet signed time/expenses (only applies if company setting-require button click to sign timecard is checked)

Management Missing Time-reminder sent to supervisors if direct reports are missing time

Management Verify Signatures-reminder sent to supervisors that have pending approvals

Missing Day-reminder sent to users if they have not entered any time in the applicable date range.


eFAACT Central-All Users reminders section includes user specific settings that impact reminder execution.


Expected Hrs Per Day and Week are set per user to determine if the user should get a reminder.  Ex. Missing hour reminder is setup to send at end of each business day to notify users that have not entered their expected number of hours per day.  Jane Doe's expected number of hours per day is set to 6, therefore as long as she has 6 hours entered for that day before the reminder runs she will not receive the reminder notification.  The defaults are set to 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week.


Do Not Remind-checking this column for a user will exclude them from the reminder notifications regardless of their status.


Reminder Delivery controls whether a text (requires mobile # and mobile provider be setup per user) and/or an email is sent to users for reminder notifications.


Supervisors receive reminders for their direct reports. If the supervisor is assigned as Alternate for another supervisor they will receive those reminders as well. For a quick review of your supervisor and alternate setup, review report 910 - Supervisor Direct Reports.


Alternate supervisors can be adjusted in one of two ways:

1.Select the person and clicking the "Alternate For" link and uncheck the supervisors on the right-hand section of the page.

2.Select a Supervisor and click the "My Alternates" link and uncheck the alternates for that supervisor.

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