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All Users




All Users


A user is a person that has been assigned eFAACT login credentials. All employees and consultants that have been setup in QuickBooks are eligible to become eFAACT users.

This standard eFAACT table display supports searching for an entry by entering or selecting values in the column filter section. Clicking the pen icon opens the row for update and provides options to cancel or save changes. The Update Multiple Users section is used to update more than one checked row at a time. 


Common user ID formats can be set globally and the default approach for passwords is to send the password in an email directly to the person using send user ID/password icon.  When ready Select/check each user and click the “send user id/password” button located above the grid. This step sends an email to each selected person which contains eFAACT login information and time entry tutorial video.  Users may reset their passwords the next time they login.   



A person is assigned to their supervisor in the Direct Reports option of the Supervisor page located on eFAACT Central-Home Screen.  However you are able to edit assignments from this form as well.


Default Payroll Item

An employees' available payroll items are controlled by the Employee Setup in QuickBooks (see QuickBooks-Employee Payroll and Compensation Tab).  The default payroll item will automatically display when creating an employee's timecard authorizations.


Default Service Item

Service Items are imported from QuickBooks service items.  The default service item displays when creating an employee's timecard authorizations.


Holiday Auths

Checking this column for a user will add an one day authorization for each company holiday listed in the company calendar (calendar in upper right corner).



All time on this date or prior is restricted from entry or change.  This will disable the users timecard as of this date regardless of current entry dates.


Mobile #

Enter users mobile number in their QuickBooks employee/vendor record.


Split Day-(optional)

Allows user to enter split time for a particular day.  Hours entered in the 2nd half of the split day are sent to QuickBooks using the next day's date.


Expense Entry (read only field)

Indicates if the user has an expense entry access


Credit Card

Assign company credit card for users that use a company card for expenses.  Once a credit card has been assigned, it will be available as a payment option when expenses are entered via eFAACT Expense.  eFAACT send expenses organizes each expense report in one QuickBooks vendor bill (item detail) and offsets any credit card charges with an expense tab entry. 



As a default the email address is imported from QuickBooks employee/vendor records.  Turning on the eFAACT company setting- "eFAACT eMail address overrides QuickBooks" allows you to enter/edit the email address directly in eFAACT Central.  This email is used for reminders/notifications sent to the users.


Expected Hrs Per Day and Expected Hrs Per Week

Number of hours each user should work per day and per week-used for reminder notifications


Do Not Remind

User will not be included in reminder notifications


Time Zone

User specific timezone used for time/expense audit trails as well as reminders


Reminder Delivery

Choose to send reminders as text (if both mobile provider and mobile # are setup), email and/or both


Cost Center

Assign employees to their cost center. If only one cost center is established this step is not required. Each employee is assigned to one cost center at a time, this is a DCAA directive. His/her labor is burdened using that cost center's rate structure.   Charge number specific cost centers are set in eFAACT Central-Contracts and Funding-Charge Numbers section.


Unique Pay Cycle

Overrides the company setting "pay periods per year" for individual employee(s).


UserType-Read only

Employee or Consultant


Hire Date-Read only

Imported from QuickBooks-used for different calculations ex. accruals


Release date-Read only

Imported from QuickBooks is important to enter in QB before inactivating the user to stop accrual calculations




















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