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Expense Validation




Expense Validation


Project/Task Managers validate time and expenses on the "tasks" they are assigned as a Task Manager where Supervisors "approve" time and expenses for users they are assigned as direct reports.

Project/Task managers are given tasks to manage in eFAACT Central-Project/Task managers. Check the column "assigned project manager" next to the name(s) of the users you would like to "validate" both time and expenses. Then click the "task" link next to each assigned TM to check which tasks they are responsible for.

Then when they login they will have a "validate time" and "validate expense" option on their main eFAACT Central page. This is where they can complete "validation" of time or expenses to the tasks they are assigned prior to supervisor's approval. Task Managers also have access to Contract centric reports in eFAACT Central-Reports.


Validation is an optional step in the approval process.  To require task validation to be completed prior to supervisor approval, turn on the company setting "Require task manager validation".


Expense validation includes the option to validate, unvalidate or disapprove expense report(s) for the selected user. 


Click on the expense report # in grid to review the expense detail and receipt(s).  Check the checkbox beside one or more expense reports to enable to validation options.  Disapproving an expense report will provide a prompt to enter in a reason why the expense is being disapproved.  The user will receive an email letting them know that their expense report was disapproved and why.


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