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Expense Entry




Expense Entry


Use the add expense report pop up to enter in a new expense report or double click on existing report to edit/add to existing report using pop up.


Purpose of the expense.

List of Tasks authorized to user for expense entry.  (controlled by eFAACT -authorizations-authorization type)

Expense Items-controlled by other charge items with same allocation as the selected task.


Expenses can be entered for Per Diem, Mileage Reimbursement or standard Receipt.


Per Diem-linked to for M&IE and/or Lodging Reimbursements.  Lodging expense reports require receipt information.


Once a per diem (M&IE) expense line has been entered, the main expense entry screen will display the summary/details of the entered expenses, clicking on the PD Breakout "full or partial" link  in each expense line, will allow the user to uncheck any meals and/or incidentals that may have been provided for them during that travel date, to exclude from per diem reimbursement. 


For example Sandy attended a conference and lunch was included at the conference. 

Sandy would  enter/save the per diem expense for that travel date/location

Once saved click on the expense line "PD Breakout" column, to receive a popup that will include the breakdown per travel date of the expense line. 

Sandyd would Uncheck the "lunch" for that date  and save that change.  The reimbursable amount will be reduced by the amount of calculated per diem for Lunch for that date/location using the per diem rates. 


Mileage Reimbursement-linked to



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