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Vendor Setup




Vendor Setup


The vendor setup page is used to:


1.  Match an "employee" vendor with an employee to allow sending expense reports to QuickBooks as a vendor bill. 

In QuickBooks create a vendor for each employee that will be entering expenses in eFAACT Central. 

          QuickBooks Desktop allows customization of which vendors are imported by assigning the vendor type of eF_expense)                    

Run a sync list to bring over new vendor record. 

In eFAACT Central-Vendor Setup-link the employee to the QB vendor record by selecting the employee in the expense user drop down for the matching QB vendor.



2.  Grant a consultant access to enter time and expenses in eFAACT Central. 

The "is consultant" indicates they are a QuickBooks vendor that is assigned user credentials in eFAACT Central-all users.

           QuickBooks Desktop allows customization of which vendors are imported by assigning the vendor type of eF_timecard or eF_expense)

Checking consultant user time allows that consultant access to enter time in eFAACT Central. 

Checking the expense entry for the consultant allows the consultant to enter expenses in eFAACT Central.

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