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Current Entry Periods




Current Entry Periods


Current Entry Periods establish the time period displayed on the employees' online TimeCards. It is recommended that TimeCard work dates are set to coincide with your payroll period. They may be set to a date range up to 45 days.


To set the work dates for a group of employees:

Select the working period start and end dates.  Click Select all check-box or individually check the employees to be assigned this date range.


To set the work dates for a single employee:

On the employee row, select the working period start and end dates.  Click outside of row to save change. 


Maintaining Web Entry Dates: Once initial dates are established- time entry dates can be advanced to the next period using the prompt at the end of send hours or by checking the eFAACT company Preference "advance web entry dates after verified approval".  When this preference is checked it permits users web entry dates to automatically advance to next pay period after all expected hours have been approved.

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