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Time Entry




Time entry


Weekly Summary is first grid which displays a summary of timecard activity during the current entry period and works as a timecard navigator. Click the weekly column header to jump the timecard display to that week’s detail.


Timecard entry rows are available for a person’s authorized tasks. Your personal credentials are used to save and sign hours as they are entered.


If your company prefers for time to not automatically get signed upon entry an eFAACT company setting "Require button click to sign timecard" can be enabled.  When turned on a Sign Week and Sign Period icon will appear above the timecard.  The user will need to manually sign time before it can be approved. 


To scroll through the available weekly timecards, click the next and previous arrows or click a date range on a weekly summary column header.


The filter box in the Task column header reduces your timecard display to include only those tasks containing the text entered in the box. Clearing the filter returns to the full timecard display of all authorized tasks.


Re-order task(s) option allows you to customize the order of tasks on the timecard.  It defaults to alphabetical order but are able to move most used tasks to the top.


Documentation section displays documentation (text or attachment) for the current entry period. Double click a time cell to add documentation.  An Add’l Doc link will display if the Doc Hours is less than the hours entered; Click link to add an additional line for documentation.


Available Hours- If Max Hours is specified on the User’s Authorization, Available Hours is Max Hours minus the number of Hours Worked for this authorization


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