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Payroll Export




Payroll Export


The payroll export settings is used to customize the csv file needed to send to third party payroll vendors for hours and optionally expenses entered in eFAACT.    To implement, setup the Pay codes these codes are provided by your third party payroll company. 


Once codes are set, using the second grid assign company payroll items to the custom third party codes.  The same pay code can be assigned to more than one payroll item, doing this will summarize the hours entered to that payroll item into a total for that paycode per user.

The File format area allows customization of the fields that are included in the export file and it what order they are displayed.  The export fields are set fields pulled in from QuickBooks employee/vendor records.  The description and column header are update-able and the check-box determines if they are included in the third party payroll export csv file.  The hamburger icon to the left is used to drag fields around to resort them.

Once the setup is complete pick the date range of your pay period (must be a pay period start and pay period end).  Then choose whether or not you want the break down to be by row or by column.  Retrieve the file to see a preview prior to exporting the file to a csv. 

Once you choose export it will download a CSV file that can then be sent to your third party payroll vendor.  Please note if you have a unique situation that is currently not included as a default option in the csv the file could always be tweaked using Excel prior to sending off to payroll provider. 

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