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Service Items (LCATS)




Service Items


eFAACT keeps an audit trail of the service items prices in effect for each period processed in eFAACT.  The following steps outline how to apply a QuickBooks Service Item price change to one or more periods already processed in eFAACT.


          1. Ensure a Sync Lists has been run since the service  item price change in QuickBooks.  This step imports the current service item price.

          2. In eFAACT Central open the Service Item page and sync the service item rate for the impacted period(s)

                    a. In top section, select the service item that has had a price change

                    b. In the history section, select the date range for the period requiring the latest price change

                    c. Click “Sync Service Item Rates” button

                    d. Leave the default set to “Sync with Current Rates”

                    e. Select the period to be updated.

                    f. Click OK

                    g. Repeat to update the price on additional periods.

          3. The processing schedule will display a “history changed” status message to identify periods that require reprocessing from Step 2.

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