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Custom Administrators




Custom Administrators


Assign Report Administrator

Assigning members to the report admin group updates the report filters to include all users and all contracts.  This allows report administrators to run reports like an administrator without access to other administrator features.

A standard eFAACT administrator has control over which reports the users gets access to by setting up a custom web report group within eFC Manage Groups.  The custom groups allow flexibility in allowing specific users access to all users and all contracts for one or all reports.


Assign Custom Process Administrator

Assigning members to the custom process admin group updates the users/contracts that members see within their assigned processes that are given to them via custom security groups

For ex. John Second needs access to all users to help on-board employees.  Create a custom security group and assign John Second as a member and add the all user as a process to the group.  This will then give him access to the all users process. 

However since he is not an eFAACT administrator or supervisor he does not have any direct reports to review when opening the form.  Therefore set him as a “custom process admin “ to allow him to be an “admin” for his assigned processes so can then edit/review everyone  in the all users form.

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