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Send Hours




Send hours process populates the QuickBooks timesheets with approved hours for the selected date range.  The user box contains a list of users with hours that are approved but have not been sent to QuickBooks.  If a TimeCard user adjusts hours hat have been sent to QuickBooks, they are displayed in the lists and eFAACT will update the adjusted hours in QuickBooks including approved “zero” hours that are used to remove hours previously sent but now moved to a new task. 

Send Vendor Bill is used to send Subcontractor/Consultant hours to QuickBooks. 

eFAACT Company Settings Send SUB/CON hours as bill only and Send SUB/CON hours as bill per contract control how the hours are sent

Checking the company setting Send SUB/CON hours as bill only instructs eFAACT to send SUB/CON hours to QuickBooks as a vendor bill only, no timesheets.  This setting will control what information is available on the send hours form. 

If Checked

          Subcontractor and consultants display only in the send bill section

          Only a bill is sent, no timesheets

          Bill used to create invoices and reflects the billable status

If Unchecked

          Consultants are available to send hours as a timesheet

          Timesheet is used to create invoice and reflects the invoice billing status

          After hours are sent as a timesheet, the SUB/CON is available to request a bill be sent to QuickBooks as well

          Bill is then used for vendor payment (Accounts Payable) and reflects a non-billable status


Checking the company setting Send SUB/CON hours as bill per contract is checked:

eFAACT sends a vendor bill for each contract worked. 

IF unchecked:

eFAACT sends a single vendor bill for hours worked.  A subcontractor's bill details the hours for each consultant.           


Resend hours is used to resend hours previously sent to QuickBooks.  Ex. If a QB file has been restored and no longer includes the hours previously sent.

The option to send documentation is available to import the change reasons and documented works which users may have entered with their time.  Checking the send documentation option will import that information to the QuickBooks timesheet description field.  If a single task is documented for multiple days, QuickBooks displays each comment on a separate line, this display is controlled by QuickBooks.  Please note importing documentation will increase the transfer time and the QuickBooks file size).

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