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Send Invoices




Invoices are sent to QuickBooks with the same invoice number (and prefix) used by eFAACT, the invoice date is the end date for the invoice period.  Invoices are written as one line per Item, with each line reflecting a fully burdened amount.




If the Expense Tab is used to enter expenses in QuickBooks (no Item assigned), then each Direct Expense type must be assigned to a placeholder Service Item in eFAACT.  This setup allows the QuickBooks invoice interface to write each invoice line which must be identified with a service item.  To complete this setup, create Service Items in QuickBooks to represent each Direct Expense type, and assign its expense type using the eF Assign Item form (Send Invoices-Assign Item).




If your QuickBooks file has more than one Accounts Receivable account defined, it is necessary to assign either a default A/R account or assign an account per contract invoice level.  The default account is used for all invoices if a contract specific account is not defined.   To assign an A/R account to each contract, click the Assign A/R Account button available from the Send Invoices form.


If necessary, invoices can be resent to QuickBooks.  When resending an invoice, delete the original QuickBooks invoice to avoid duplication.  By design, eFAACT does not delete invoices from QuickBooks.   An invoice can be marked as not sent in eFAACT Central-Invoice Schedule-second grid-click the pencil icon and uncheck the "sent to QB" for the applicable invoice.

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