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Manual Adjustment




Manual Adjustment


The manual adjustment feature is designed to handle exception case transactions.  Manual adjustment transactions are tracked in eFAACT in the same manner as a standard QuickBooks transaction.  However, information entered in the manual adjustment form is NOT synchronized with QuickBooks and therefore should be used with caution.


An example of a manual adjustment scenario:  Funding source has been spent so a portion of charges must be transferred to another funding source.  Charges remain in their original state, eFAACT tracks the transfer and automatically includes it in all detail and summary reporting.

The filter section lets you narrow down your display to review existing MA’s.  Use the direct/indirect filter to switch over if need to review/enter MA for an indirect contract.

The Add Adjustment section is used to enter in a new manual adjustment by entering the date of the MA, select the contract, task and cost center.  The other fields are optional depending on the level of detail needed.  Click the +MA icon to add it.  It will get added to the MA grid.  Click the pencil icon to edit the manual adjustment.  If prefer enter in the hours and choose the “auto calculate amount” and/or auto calculate burdens before clicking the green check mark to save the entry.  Should you need to delete a manual adjustment scroll to the right and click the delete key. 

The MA will get picked up when the period that includes the MA date is processed.  If entering the MA after a period has been processed then reprocess the impacted period completing only steps 2 and 3 of period processing.


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