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Leave Request Approval




Leave Request Approval


Once a user submits a leave request, the supervisor will receive an email notifying them that a direct report has requested leave. 


The Leave Request approval form contains a calendar for a visual review of all requested/disapproved/approved requests.  The tabs above each grid control the calendar display to filter out pending request vs. disapproved requests vs. approved requests. 


To act on a request use the right hand side grid to check an individual or multiple requests and enable the management actions.


Once the leave request has been approved by a supervisor it automatically creates an authorization for the user for the impacted time period.  It is important to end any existing active PTO/vacation authorizations (eF Navigator-authorizations-update end date to at least one day prior to activating Leave request feature) prior to enabling the leave request feature.


You also have the option to use the Leave request feature for communication only:

To do this UNcheck the eFAACT Company Preference "Create Authorization for Approved Leave Request".  This will allow you to submit and approve leave requests as above but eFAACT will NOT automatically create the individual authorization for the approved leave request.



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