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Invoice Schedules




Invoice Schedules


Setting up a contract’s invoice cycle establishes its invoice schedule.  Each contract invoice schedule is integrated into a single processing schedule which reflects all pertinent dates.


To setup contract invoice schedules, begin by opening Invoice Schedules which is located in the section titled “Contract Invoicing”

1.In the Contract section locate the contract. In the column filter, optionally enter part of the contract name to help locate the contract.

2.Click the pen icon to edit the contract. 

3.Select the invoice cycle appropriate for the contract.  The cycle are listed by number of weeks per year.

4.Select the invoice day which is the date the invoice will generate.

5.Assign the cycle effective date to indicate when the invoicing cycle should begin.

6.Once an invoice cycle is saved, the schedule is available for review in the second section titled Contract Schedule.

7.In the Contract Schedule section, the scheduled dates can be adjusted by changing the end date.  eFAACT will adjust the subsequent schedule dates to keep the schedule contiguous.  In addition, this step will adjust the main processing schedule if this change requires a new processing date.


During period processing, the processing schedule includes all contract schedule dates, as well as pay periods.  When a period is selected for processing, scheduled contracts are automatically selected for invoicing.  Unchecking the contract will skip that period and invoicing will pick up with the next scheduled period.

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