Navigation: Contract Invoicing >

Invoice Format




Show Indirect Rate Grid



Account Classification



Invoice Prefix



Show Funding and Balance



Show Contract Balance



Display Cost Type Summary



Display Separate Burden Rows



Detail View



Show Labor Rates (SI Price)



Show Burdens (by column)



Show Current Period Amts Only (greater than $0)



Show Taxpayer ID



Remit To



Bill To






Follow below steps to remove the signature line all together for a specific contract:

1.In eFAACT Central-Invoice Format-Choose a Contract

2.Open "invoice footer options" and click the + icon to add a new option

3.In the pop up, Choose "Signature line", Name it "no signature line" and in the Text type <none>

4.Click confirm to save new footer option

5.In top "invoice setup" grid-click the pencil icon next to the contract to open up the editable fields

6.Click the Show Footer link

7.Scroll to right and choose the "no signature line" in the drop down

8.Click the green check in front of row to save changes.






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