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Indirect Jobs




Indirect Jobs


eFAACT requires a QuickBooks customer/job structure for recording hours worked on Indirect jobs such as PTO, Overhead, G&A.  All indirect labor is organized under one customer.


Create a customer in QuickBooks with at least one job for tracking your indirect labor.

For Ex.

Customer: Indirect

Job:           PTO

Job:           Overhead

Job:           G&A


Set the Labor Type for each indirect job.  Fringe Time (jobs allocated as Fringe Labor) such as PTO and Holiday can be entered in advance. 


Accrue Leave column- check the indirect job(s) whose hours are tracked primarily to monitor the number of employee's accrued leave hours which have been used.


Sick column-check the indirect job(s) whose taken hours should be deducted from sick available


Holiday column-indicates which indirect job(s) should be used by the system when creating individual holiday authorizations.


Leave request-indicates which indirect job(s) should be used by the system when creating individual leave request authorizations. 


LWOP-indicates which indirect job(s) will represent LWOP. 


Leave Payout-indicates which indirect job(s) are for leave payout.  Checking a job as leave payout will allow a user to enter more than 24 hours in one day to this task.  Hours entered to this task will also be deducted from available vacation/PTO.


Cost Center Override- Indirect jobs may be assigned a cost center override.  When hours are entered to these jobs their labor will be assigned the overriding cost center rather than the employees assigned cc. 





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