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Payroll Items using QuickBooks Online




Adding Payroll Items in eFAACT Central if using QuickBooks Online Interface


If using the QuickBooks Online Interface payroll items are created in eFAACT Central-Payroll Items.  To add a new payroll item click the + icon in the first row.  Fill in the requested information using the drop downs. 


The payroll item display controls how a payroll item is displayed on an employees TimeCard.  This option is used primarily to distinguish an employee authorization if he/she receives varying compensation for the same task.  An example of this situation would be an employee is paid an overtime pay rate for overtime hours. The TimeCard authorization for the overtime is setup using an overtime payroll item (OT rate) instead of the employee’s standard payroll item (separate authorization). In order to distinguish the overtime task authorization, in this example the overtime payroll item would be marked to display "OT".


Make sure the payroll item labor types are set for each payroll item.  Ex. Set all PTO/vacation to Fringe Labor.  Once set to Fringe Labor the applicable fringe payroll item(s) can also be checked to indicate if they should be used when creating leave request, sick and/or Holiday authorizations.


Clicking on an individual payroll item will populate the second grid for a quick review of users that are assigned the selected payroll item.


Once payroll items have been added they are assigned to employees in eFAACT Central-Employee Payroll Item.


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