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eFAACT Mobile (Android & iOS)




eFAACT Mobile


Available from Google Playstore and Apple iTunes.


eFAACT Mobile provides time entry, documentation, time approval and expense report entries. The app delivers employee signature and a series of comprehensive time audit trails which are the steps expected of a government contractor complying with government regulations. Hours and expense reports entered integrate with the eFAACT System to provide government contractors with total time accounting.


Time Entry:

Available from 2 separate views: Daily and Task



Time Documentation:

Available after the submit of hours via the documentation icon next to the time entry.


Time Approval:

Supervisors/alternate supervisors have ability to review & approve time.


TimeCard Timer: 

eF Mobile  “daily view” includes a built in “timer” to keep track of time spent on a task for the current day.  Using Daily View (current day) double click a task to start the timer then when finished double click the task name again to stop the timer which will in return insert the time entry for that task.  A user is then able to start the timer on a new task or start the time again on the same task and it will sum the timer entries for the day.


Expense Report Entry:

eF Mobile includes the option to enter Per Diem, Mileage, and Receipt type expense reports.  Receipts may be uploaded from your mobile device gallery or taken directly with your mobile device camera.  This feature requires permission for eF Mobile access to mobile device gallery and camera within the app settings.



Adding a new expense report:


1) Press the "New Expense Report" button at the top right.


2) On the general tab, fill in the available fields.

          - Report Date

          - Report Purpose

          - Task

          - Item


Per diem:


1) Press the per diem tab.


2) Fill in the available fields.

          - Travel Start

          - Travel End

          - Travel Locale

          - Type

                    - If the type includes Lodging a receipt is required.

                    - If the travel dates are both the same day, then the Lodging types will not be available.

                    - The types available will vary based on Travel Locale.

                              - If the Travel Locale is Domestic:

                                        - Lodging

                                        - M&IE

                                        - Lodging and M&IE

                              - If the Travel Locale is Foreign

                                        - Lodging

                                        - M&IE

                                        - Lodging and M&IE

                              - If the Travel Locale is Oconus

                                        - Lodging

                                        - Local Meal Rate

                                        - Proportional Meal Rate

                                        - Local Incidental

          - Trip Leg

          - Location (Fields will vary based on Travel Locale)

                    - If the Travel Locale is Domestic:

                              - Postal Code

                              - State

                              - City

                              - Destination

                    - If the Travel Locale is Foreign

                              - Country

                              - Location

                              - Destination

                    - If the Travel Locale is Oconus

                              - Area

                              - Location

                              - Destination


          - Receipt

                    - Payment Method

                    - Tax

                    - Total

                    - Description

                    - Image

                              - Attach from photos saved on a phone

                              - Take an image


3) Press the "Save" button.




1) Press the mileage tab.


2) Fill in the available fields.

          - Travel Start

          - Travel End

          - Travel Mode

          - Mileage

          - Postal Code (From location)

          - State (From location)

          - City (From location)

          - Postal Code (To location)

          - State (To location)

          - City (To location)


3) Press the "Save" button.




1) Press the receipt tab.


2) Fill in the available fields.

          - Payment Method

          - Tax

          - Total

          - Description

          - Image

                    - Attach from photos saved on a phone

                    - Take an image


3) Press the "Save" button.



Updating an expense report:


1) Press the expense report to get the list of options.


2) Press the "View Line(s)" option.


3) Press the expense report line that needs to be updated to get the list of options.


4) Press the "Update" option.


5) Update any fields on the general tab that need to be updated.


6) Update any fields on the 2nd tab available (could be per diem, mileage or receipt).


7) Press the "Save" button (on the 2nd tab available).



Add a receipt to an existing expense report line:


Add an expense report line to an existing expense report:




Help Desk:

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