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Defer Billing




Defer Billing


Defer Billing allows an eFAACT admin to defer the billing of an incurred cost into a future period.  The incurred costs are still reported based on the date the charge was incurred (ex. work date). Individual transactions can deferred and billed in a different period by updating the transactions "bill date" to get included in a future invoice period. 


1.Use the top filters to narrow down the transaction display.  Select Contract, charge number(s) and incurred date range. 

2.Click "review" to see all transactions that meet that criteria.

3.Edit an individual "bill date" using the pencil icon on the row to enable to editable bill date field

4.OR check each row that bill date needs updating and enter the desired bill date along with notes above the grid and use the update icon to update the bill date for all selected transaction rows.

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