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Contract Structure and Type




Contract Structure and Type


The eFAACT customer structure originates from the QuickBooks customer job list. The layout of this page contains only a few columns, although each plays an important role in the eFAACT implementation.


Placing a check in the contract column Identifies that the customer job at that level represents a contract. The row(s) one level below the contract are always tagged as a charge number. A charge number represents a contract’s funding bucket. A contract may have an unlimited number of charge numbers/funding buckets. A new charge number line is created by adding a customer job in QuickBooks. See Funding Modifications for maintaining the hours and dollars associated with the contract structure.


Setting the contracts category as government, commercial or indirect, is the first step in organizing the rules that automate budgets, journal entries, invoicing and indirect rate calculations. Even if your initial focus is on time and expense, all information on this page should be filled in.


The next important designation on this form is to define the contract type. Because a contract can consist of multiple contract types, the contract type is ultimately defined for each charge number. To assign the same contract type to all charge numbers, select the contract type at the contract level and eFAACT will assign it to each charge number missing a contract type.


The invoice level is a check mark that identifies the level at which an invoice number is generated. For example, an invoice level set to “contract” instructs eFAACT to generate one invoice for the contract for the selected invoicing period.


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