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Contracts and Funding




Contracts and Funding


Once the contract structure and contract type are defined (eFAACT Central-Contract Structure and Type), additional contractual details such as contract value, funding, defined in Contracts and Funding.


By highlighting (clicking) a specific contract row, the associated Charge Numbers for that contract will be displayed. By default, active contracts/charge numbers are displayed.  To display inactive Contracts/Charge numbers, use the checkbox option above grid. 


Charge Number


eFAACT includes a feature for "rolling" authorizations from one charge number (funding bucket) to another.  This option is available in the Charge Number section and is implemented by filling in the Replacement Charge Number.  The purpose is to easily move authorizations to new funding when you deem it appropriate.  As a result of implementing this feature, the details of the original authorizations are used to create new authorizations for the Replacement Charge Number using the selected Start and End dates. The authorizations for the original charge number (the one being edited) are ended the day BEFORE the start date to ensure no overlap.



Funding Modification


The last grid is strictly for recording Funding Modifications.  By modifying the funding modifications, eFAACT will automatically adjust the funding amounts.


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