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Contract Cumulatives




Contract Cumulatives


The contract cumulative feature allows figures to be entered for invoiced costs experienced prior to processing in eFAACT.  While incurred costs may be entered for documentation, the purpose for cumulative figures is to set the starting point for automatic contract-to-date tracking commonly required for government contracts.


The level of granularity entered for contract cumulative figures is based on the reporting requirements of each individual contract.  For example, one contract may require contract-to-date reporting by labor category within funding source, while another tracks just by funding source.


Cumulative figures may be entered at any point in time and will NOT be included in current invoicing amounts. Contract cumulative figures are most often entered for the fiscal year end preceding the first eFAACT period processing.


Add new cumulatives using the cumulative worksheet to jump start the entries


1.    Download the cumulative data entry worksheet using the build worksheet icon

2.    Update the worksheet with cumulative figures in Excel (only requires cumulative period end date to be entered)

3.    Save the worksheet

4.    Upload the completed Excel worksheet in eFAACT Central-Contract Cumulative-by clicking the Upload worksheet icon

5.    Once reviewed, commit the cumulatives to apply them and rebuild contract summaries.




          Add new cumulatives using the drop down options provided in the add cumulatives section.


          Review/edit existing cumulatives by turning on edit mode (moving over the toggle in the contract cumulatives section.


          Clicking the Upload commit cumulatives icon will commit cumulatives and rebuild contract summaries.

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