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Contract Classes




Contract Classes


This feature allows classes to be organized by contract (click classes link next to each contract to assign by checking the applicable classes in right hand grid).   After classes are assigned, the TimeCard work documentation classification list will include only the classes assigned to the contract that covers the task being documented.  To activate the class list display for documenting TimeCard entries, turn on the eF company preference “Work documented includes classify option”.


When sending hours to QuickBooks, eFAACT will send the class with its associated hours. eFAACT does not use this class for any calculations.  Class tracking requires use of select eFAACT and QuickBooks company preferences. 


Class related QuickBooks company preferences:

QuickBooks “Use class tracking” in QuickBooks (QB > Edit > Preferences > Company Preferences > Accounting > Use class tracking)


QuickBooks “Assign one class per earnings item” (QB > Edit > Preferences > Company Preferences > Payroll & expenses > job costing, class and item tracking for paycheck expenses set to “earnings item”)


Class related eFAACT Company Preference(s):


Use class to categorize authorizations

Work documented includes classify option

Work documented send hours individually

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