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Company Settings




Company Settings


Company Settings are company-wide standards used by eFAACT.  The settings "filter" can be used to type in a keyword in what you are looking for to help narrow down the options displayed.



2fa response code length: minimum length of 2FA response

Allow legacy password reset: Removes send credentials option from all users and instead displayed an editable password column for admins to reset a password manually.

Cage Code: Government assigned cage code.

Company Name: Company name must match the QuickBooks company name. The initial value is retrieved from QuickBooks during the first import of lists.

External Company ID: Identifies a company when eFAACT creates file exports for external payroll applications such as ADP payeXpert

FY Begin Date: Enter the date which represents the start of your company fiscal year.

FY End Date (automatic when FY begin date is changed)

Leave Taken by FY when PP crossing FY

Minimum Password Length: set length required for a user password. 

Pay Periods Per Year: Used in various calculations (EBR for salaried employees) and to determine entry dates

Pay Period Start of initial full pay period: used in calculating pay periods

Show eFAACT Message:  Determines if system messages display on login of eFAACT Central

TaxPayer ID: Enter the Company Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Timecard display available hours: show

Use two factor authentication (2FA): requires 2FA for login

Use two factor authentication (2FA) for Admins only: requires 2FA for login for admins only



Allow managers access to cost/amount:  allows task managers to see costs on contract specific reports

Require task manager validation: Requires time to be validated by task manager before approval.

Send email to eF admins for costs and dates: send cost limitation and contract end date warnings to admins

Send email to Task Managers for Cost and Dates: send cost limitation and contract end date warnings to task managers


Expense Reports

Exp Report completion before entry dates are adjusted: Check the box to require all expense reports to be sent to QuickBooks before eFAACT will automatically increment the Entry Dates.

Expense reports reimbursed via payroll:  If turned on, eF writes an expense line that credits the “employee advance account”, resulting in a $0 bill.

Require expense receipt description: Requires user to enter a "description" for each receipt on an expense report

Require purpose on expense: Requires user to enter a purpose for each expense entry.


Indirect Rate Support

Burden Non-Employee DRL with Fringe: Option to burden Non employee Direct Labor with Fringe.

Overhead applied to Fringe (3-tier only): When not checked, overhead will be loaded to Direct Labor only. When checked, overhead will be loaded to Direct Labor plus Fringe

Overtime/Undertime Adjustment:  This option is available to adjust the Base Rate for salaried employees if they work overtime (undertime). When checked, this feature automatically lowers the employee rate if their working hours exceed the actual work hours in the pay period. An employee is considered to have worked overtime if hours worked exceeds the expected working hours for the pay period.   The "expected working hours", "expected" number is determined by counting the number of normal working days (Monday-Friday) during the pay period and multiplying by 8.

 An employee Base Rate is automatically increased when his/her hours worked is less than the expected working hours in the pay period.

 When checked = Salaried employee base rate is lowered if overtime hours are worked.

 When not checked = Salaried employee standard base rate is applied for all hours. May require "payroll additional item" entry to balance payroll and invoicing figures.

Rate Adj: Do not adjust Fee Only entries: Do not adjust Fee only entires when completing a rate adjustment.

Rate Tier (3 indicates negotiated fringe rate): 2 Tier/3 Tier) A 2-Tier rate structure is used when Indirect rate structure is negotiated with the fringe rate incorporated within the Overhead rate. A 3 Tier rate structure results in tracking and loading costs with separate Fringe and Overhead rates.

Update QB Accrued Leave from PTO Policy: Update QuickBooks when employee's accrual policy setting is adjusted in eFAACT.

Use Class as Allocation Override: Class may optionally be assigned to a Cost Center. If this assignment is made (using the Cost Center form), imported transactions that have this class assigned in QuickBooks, will be allocated to the associated cost center. When checked, This allocation overrides the cost center set in the account allocation, and is recommended for use under the direction of an eFAACT Advisor.


Invoice Controls

Fixed Price contract labor is sent as billable: When checked, eFAACT Web hours and expenses charged to a fixed price contract will be marked billable.

Fixed Price invoice created from QB Stmt Charge: When checked, eFAACT period processing recognizes QuickBooks Statement Charges entered for a fixed price contract.  The Statement Charge is processed based on it's Bill Date.  See QuickBooks help for additional information pertaining to the Statement Charge feature.

Include Line Item and Funding Source on Invoice: applicable to charge number level invoicing) When checked, invoices will display the value in these 2 items as Line Item | Funding Source

Lag days for recognizing past transactions: Number of days to go back for costs not invoiced.

Send $0 T&M hours as not billable: When checked, the Send Hours process will automatically change hours associated with a $0 service item price to Not Billable.


Project Budgets

Auto Calculate Burdens: auto calculates burdens when entering in new budgets


TimeCard Reminder/Status

eFAACT eMail address overrides QuickBooks: if checked enter the email in manually in eFAACT Central-all users (will not pull email from QB)

Reminders include expense reports: if turned on "status" reminders will include expense reports as well (unsigned or unapproved)

Reminders(on/off): turn on/off execution of reminders



Activate Leave Request feature: eave Request feature allows employees to request leave and once approved by the supervisor an authorization is automatically created for the requested dates.  Email alerts are sent to notify employee and supervisor when leave is requested and (dis)approved.

Advance web entry dates after verified approval: When checked, Permits users web entry dates to automatically advance to next pay period after all expected hours have been approved.

Allow payroll journal entry: activates payroll journal entry feature

Allow split day: Includes option to assign a split day in all users

Create Authorization for Approved Leave Request:  system will create a date specific authorization for all approved leave request

Decimal places allowed for time values: Time Entry allows up to 2 decimal places when recording time, ie. 3.25 hours. This can be restricted to either 0 or 1 decimal place.

Display Intuit leave accruals on timecard: eFAACT will display leave accrual information from QuickBooks and NOT amounts calculated during period processing.  Option intended for those running with Intuit payroll or maintain QuickBooks employee leave information.

Display leave accruals on TimeCard: eFAACT will display leave accrual information on timecards

eFAACT Web URL: Overrides the eFAACT User Reference Manual; Allows a company the ability to provide users an online document that displays company specific policies and procedures from eFAACT

Lag DAYS after pay period end: Enter the standard number of days between the end of a pay period end and the date your payroll processing is completed. The “lag days” entered here is used to determine the “as of” date when displaying QuickBooks accrual figures on a user’s eF TimeCard.

Lag HOURS after work date: Enter the standard number of hours between the end of work date and the time hours should be entered for the previous day. The “lag hours” entered here is used to determine the reminders and audit reports ex. eF WEb 102-User TimeCard Audit Report has the option to run the report for hours entered or modified after work date with lag.

Lock TimeCards - Set Date: Specify the date to prevent Time Card users from entering/changing time on this date and previous dates.

Lock TimeCards - Supervisor: Allow Supervisors to lock out time entry/change for their direct reports in time approval

Require button click to sign timecard: adds a signature icon to timecard and a user will need to manually sign before time can be approved

Reset TimeCard leave/sick display each FY: If checked display is reset each FY.

Send SUB/CON hours as Bill Only: The default setting for this company setting is unchecked.  Checking the box instructs eFAACT to send sub/con hours to QuickBooks as a vendor bill only, no timesheets.  This setting controls what information is available on the Send Hours form.

Send Sub/Con hours as bill per contract: When checked eFAACT creates a separate QuickBooks vendor bill per contract worked.

Show weekly summary tasks, even if no hours: shows all tasks in the timecard weekly summary (defaults to only show tasks with time entered against them)

TimeCard signature requires policy acceptance: When checked, all Time Card users are required to complete an online timesheet signature. By entering his/her password and accepting the Signature Policy, the user is certifying that his/her time entry is in accordance with company policies and procedures

TimeCard text introducing leave balance: This is the text that will display if using option to "display accruals on Timecard" ex. Personal Leave

Use Class to categorize authorizations: When checked class may optionally be assigned to a timecard authorization.

Work documented includes classify option: When checked users can choose a class in time documentation

Work documented send hours individually:  Send separate time records (separate line on QB timesheet) for each work documented notes if “send documentation” selected during send hours.


















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